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firezone partiwall


simplicity in action

Firezone party wall system has been designed to offer a simple and innovative party wall system. Working towards eliminating moisture and mould issues whilst simplifying the party wall process,

CBMA has simplified the party wall with Firezone! Eliminating many complicated components, the Firezone system makes estimating, costing, ordering and installation easier thus saving time and money throughout the process. No more damaged components on site, or waiting for third party estimations. 

Firezone has been tested and certified to meet a FRL60/60/60 rated party wall system, allowing Firezone to be used in many construction designs including multi-residential, townhouses and apartments, making it the universal party wall system of choice.

Firezone is becoming the preferred choice for party walls with many builders and developers across Australia.

Firezone CodeMark certified
/  FRL 60/60/60
party wall system

Firezone has been invented to offer a simple and more secure party wall system whilst being unaffected by the weather, meaning less replacement product, mould or rectification work.

CBMA have worked to remove many of the hurdles related to current market products including removing many of the accessories and components to simplify the installation process and thus minimise the potential for costly re-work from incorrect installation.

Firezone is the ideal replacement for plasterboard, masonry systems, while offering high performance and a simplified process.

Firezone can save the builder and installer time and costs with the simplified Firezone system.

minimal components
The Firezone system has removed multiple components, saving on downtime with missing or damaged components whist also removing the need for expensive third party components, such as metal channels saving time and costs.
CBMA has also simplified the ordering process by supplying all required standard accessories based on the number of panels or boards required. This saves your site team time and calculations of materials. No more waiting weeks for third party estimations and quotes!
simple installation
Installation of party walls have become easier with Firezone. Firezone panels utilise an innovative connection system, eliminating tracks and channels. This can provide savings on the increasing costs of accessories and save time for missing or damaged product replacement. Firezone is also moisture, impact and mould resistant, meaning less damages or replacements required on a busy construction site.
easy quoting
CBMA understands that over time, systems have got more complicated. CBMA believes that this does not need to be the case. With many systems on the market, you normally have to know the system components and the calculations to quote and order, or you have to wait for the supplier to return a full quote which can take weeks. Firezone has been designed and is supplied with the standard accessories included in the price. This saves the customer valuable time and deadlines being able to quote, estimate and order in house. All we require is the M2 (or panels) you require with your preferred wastage factor, CBMA will supply the accessories to suit. This also means there are no changes to the m2 costs making quoting and estimating more consistent, minimising margin loses.

CBMA Firezone is the perfect party wall system. Designed to provide a simple and effective fire rated party wall system, Firezone is also weather, mould and impact resistant, making it a premium product for a party wall system saving costs and time on site.  

Firezone has been designed for many applications including: 

Townhouse | Apartments | Multi-residential | Dual lock ups

Dimensions –  Overall
2700mm x 600mm x 22mm Width / Length: +/- 1.5mm AS2908.2
Profile Shiplap – all edges
Characteristics Pink in colour
Panel Layout Horizontal + Vertical install pattern
Weight (Approx) 26.5kg/m2
Modulus of rupture (Wet) 7.5MPa AS2908.2
Wall Cavity 20mm – 40mm each side of Firezone
Frame Type Timber or Steel  AS1684 / AS4600
Total Wall Thickness (min.) 262mm (nom.) 

Firezone has been tested and certified by independent industry professionals including NATA accredited laboratories. Firezone has been accredited with CodeMark certification.

Fire Rating Level FRL 60/60/60 AS1530.4
Combustibility Pass as non-combustible AS1530.1
Thermal Rt(summer) 4.7m2K/W and Rt(winter)5.0K/W (timber frame) AS/NZS4859.1
Acoustic  Rw+Ctr = 50dB – (7.9kg/m2 plasterboard + R2.5 insulation) AS1191-2002
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