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This website and its contents are subject to copyright which is owned by CBMA or its relevant companies. CBMA does not grant any intellectual property rights in this website, its applications, interface or contents. You must not use any trademark displayed on this website without prior written approval from CBMA.
CBMA do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of any information you derive from this website and we exclude liability for loss or damage arising from any errors or omissions in this website or your use of this website (including any interference with or damage to your computer system). If any liability is not able to be excluded by law, we limit our liability to the resupply of the relevant information or services.
You release CBMA, its employees and agents to the fullest extent permitted by law from any and all claims arising out of or related to the use of material or information made available through this website.
Links to this site are permitted, provided the full html page is loaded. Links to individual graphics or exerts , or areas considered secure by means of passwords or other security measures are expressly prohibited. If you wish to use a graphic, or other marketing material from the CBMA website or related apps, literature or websites, please contact us at
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If we collect your personal information, we do so subject to the terms of our Privacy Policy available on the CBMA website.
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These conditions are governed by laws of the State of Victoria, Australia. You submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State.